Ran into an issue this week where App Volumes tried syncing two computer accounts with Active Directory but those system were not existing anymore in Horizon View or Active Directory. However they still existed in the App Volumes database.
In the App Volumes Manager activity log:
In the App Volumes System Messages of your App Volumes Manager it spams:
Unable to find known VM with InstanceUUID “5033fdd8-5ef3-572e-e511-6dd652980cbf” (templates? false)
Unable to find known VM with InstanceUUID “50335e35-8efe-9d7b-9cc0-89f02019a046” (templates? false)
Unable to find known VM with InstanceUUID “50339293-2edd-44eb-4301-2fe46160d837” (templates? false)
Unable to find known VM with InstanceUUID “503395a0-ef15-3097-bc9f-d4acd9ea5d79” (templates? false)
In the production*****.log in the logs directory of your App Volumes Manager:
[2017-04-03 07:29:06 UTC] P3756DJ140099 INFO Cvo: Error while querying ActiveDirectory to sync Computer <vDrone\DT-01$> – skipping
[2017-04-03 07:29:06 UTC] P3756DJ140100 INFO Cvo: Error while querying ActiveDirectory to sync Computer <vDrone\RDS-01$> – skipping
How to solve this?
First of all, make a SQL backup of the database before you do this
Login into your App Volumes SQL database with SQL Management Studio and the appropriate rights.
Run a query on the table dbo.computer and check if you see the VM is still present in the database.
SQL Query:
select id,name from dbo.computers

Then note the names and delete those records that you see giving an error in the App Volumes Manager by either running a query or edit the table it self.
SQL Query:
delete from dbo.computers
WHERE name=’yourghostvmname’
Presto, your ghost VM is gone from App Volumes and no more errors are seen in your logs.